Tuesday 15 April 2008

Why pierce?

I always wondered why people have piercings in such strange places. If you have any strange piercings please state where you had or have them and give reasons why. I have both of my ears pierced twice for fashion purposes. The reason why I done this was because my sister dared me to when I was in my teens.

I aslo plucked up the courage to have my belly button pierced not that I have a flat stomach, its really far from that. My reason for piercing it was not because of any social peer pressure, but because I wanted to set a challenge for myself. So that maybe one day I will eventually have that flat stomach that most girls would die for, to feel sexy I suppose. Belly button piercings - Sexy or Slutty? was a very interesting article to read as it gives different points of views about this style of piercings.

It is very important not to be pushed into anything you don't want to do. Some people may think its bad to pierce and that its not a good enough reason to do it, but its down to the individual how far they want to take it. I'm not sure if to say 'if its safe and not harming anyone why should it be classed as bad' because some people may be really offended by piercing for eg. employers but according to careerprospects "unusual hairstyles, tattoos and body-piercing don't matter as much as you might think when it comes to deciding who gets hired."

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I have my bellybutton pierced and 3 piercings in one ear and 1 in the other because I liked how they look. I agree that some people get percings because of peer pressures, it still seems odd to some people if a girl of a certain age doesnt have her ears peirced. My mum wouldnt let me get mine done until I 10 when most of the girls I knew had their ears pierced from a much younger age. And I think that the only reason someone would be offended by anothers peircing would be because it wasnt something that they were not used to. You've made a good point mentioning the fact that hairstyle/tattoos/piercings don't matter so much when trying to get a job because it helps show that society is moving on and becoming more open towards things/people who are different from the norm.