Tuesday 6 May 2008

Lying is normal

Everyone lies one way or another its all part of human psycology to get what they want. For example think about the many different religions in the world and tell me is there a perfect one. Each faith has a different perception why their religion is right, but if this was the case why are there so many religions today.

Think twice before you tell another lie because you may end

up like this! but on the other hand there are


Parents are so hypocritical for punishing their children for lying. But who did they learn it off in the first place was it not them. If theres a knock on the door and they don't want to answer what do they say "tell them i'm sleeping or in the bath". If the phone rings and its the chatterbox who always has problems, what do they say "tell her i'm not here". Oh and not forgetting the neighbour you promised to owe £10 who you always avoid to pay. So remember think twice before you shout at your children for telling lies.

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