Wednesday 30 April 2008

Religion Religion Religion

Doesn't it give you a head ache when people start debating about which religion does what and how bad it is. Tell me is there a perfect religion out there well i definetly know there isn't we are all human beings with the same blood pumping through our veins. We all have emotions, sexual desires, bad habits, and breath the same air. We moan when were hungry, we cry when were sad we even get angry and say things we never intended to just to get our point across.

We all share the same sun we all share the same water and we all get burned if we play with fire. So whats the big fuss over religion. Ok we are not all the same colour, we all have different texture/colour hair, so what! and some of us if not most of us eat meat for some reason or anther. Oh yes have a guess what we all were born from a woman and another thing is were all going to die so whats the big deal about religion? Why are there so many divisions in society when animals come in all different shapes and sizes even different colours but you never see them worrying about it. Td jakes "So you know you can't explain God. So just shut up arguing about it and say it's a mystery".

Society should just accept people for who they are if thats how god made them. Thats my opinion any way whats the use in debating over who's wrong and whos right were all going back to the dust anyway. highlights

1 comment:

Majid said...

Just to leave a comment Religion can actually benefit a person in more ways than just applying rules to ones life. It can give someone meaning to life and a better quality of living. We are all the same in the end just in different ways and religion can help with ones identification in a specific way suitable to the individual.