Thursday 8 May 2008

Final summary of my blog

Age? 26

Sex? female

What is your degree subject (both if joint)?
Social policy and Social welfare law

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?
It makes you have a open mind when working with people and seeing many different points of views from different angles which is very important to my other modules when working in groups.

If so, how? And if not, why not?
It helps you not to be too judgemental of people just by there appearance

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
I have found it to be quite demanding with the blogs i think more work should have been done on assignments by increasing the word count for essays.

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
No because the majority were very uncomfortable and to me unnecessary but i appreciate the fact that it takes us out of our comfort zone.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
Yes topics which are more serious Crime because ther is alot of it, Race because there are many cultures in urban communities and it has become very anti-social, community would be good because it allows people to identify themselves and others life styles and young youth because many children are bored and are turning to crime, drugs, teen, sex, guns and gangs.

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
yes in some ways but it could have been more better if we had a group task for more social interaction.

What did you think of the module team?
I think the having a variety of different teachers was good and Mark was a very good leader for the module to keep us interested very much straight forward

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? yes most definetly more interaction would have been more beneficial
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? were really good there were alot of ideas and different peceptions which i have learned from.
Information and talk from lecturers?
Some information was unnecessary because some of the sources were outdated and not very familiar to relate to so this is where i had to come out of my comfort zone and really think more broadly which was good

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? not all

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
yes because it makes you see the world from all kinds of perpectives which you would not normally think about.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
yes i will be able to take the differnt topics and analyse cases move deeply
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? depending on the topics i mentioned earlier yes.

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
depending on the individuals personality yes i would

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
yes if others read your work it would be encouraging
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer

assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
yes i most definetly agree
What have you learned from the module? that i must be more open minded and not just accept things at face value or listen to the first thing people tell you but anaylise it for yourself

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
i have learned something new from each topic once i done my research and this is what i value the most.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? the topics: masturbation, body modifications and lying with integrety because it was not essencial to the topic being bad its would not be the first thing i think these are good compared to some bad things which are happening in the world it wasn't bad enough i think.

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? It was a good learning process but the topics were not stimulating enough for my personality to stay interested i felt quite bored maybe a few more videos and interactive tasks would have been good. But otherwise i am thinking more about how i percieve things and am begining to think outside of the box.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Lying is normal

Everyone lies one way or another its all part of human psycology to get what they want. For example think about the many different religions in the world and tell me is there a perfect one. Each faith has a different perception why their religion is right, but if this was the case why are there so many religions today.

Think twice before you tell another lie because you may end

up like this! but on the other hand there are


Parents are so hypocritical for punishing their children for lying. But who did they learn it off in the first place was it not them. If theres a knock on the door and they don't want to answer what do they say "tell them i'm sleeping or in the bath". If the phone rings and its the chatterbox who always has problems, what do they say "tell her i'm not here". Oh and not forgetting the neighbour you promised to owe £10 who you always avoid to pay. So remember think twice before you shout at your children for telling lies.

Wednesday 30 April 2008

Religion Religion Religion

Doesn't it give you a head ache when people start debating about which religion does what and how bad it is. Tell me is there a perfect religion out there well i definetly know there isn't we are all human beings with the same blood pumping through our veins. We all have emotions, sexual desires, bad habits, and breath the same air. We moan when were hungry, we cry when were sad we even get angry and say things we never intended to just to get our point across.

We all share the same sun we all share the same water and we all get burned if we play with fire. So whats the big fuss over religion. Ok we are not all the same colour, we all have different texture/colour hair, so what! and some of us if not most of us eat meat for some reason or anther. Oh yes have a guess what we all were born from a woman and another thing is were all going to die so whats the big deal about religion? Why are there so many divisions in society when animals come in all different shapes and sizes even different colours but you never see them worrying about it. Td jakes "So you know you can't explain God. So just shut up arguing about it and say it's a mystery".

Society should just accept people for who they are if thats how god made them. Thats my opinion any way whats the use in debating over who's wrong and whos right were all going back to the dust anyway. highlights

Sunday 27 April 2008

Why is getting drunk acceptable?

The rise of binge drinking is raising swifly with young teens. As people drink their self senseless everyday its classed as fun and a way to chill out with the local lads/ladies, who get a tap on the back for doing so.

Yet there not arrested for it or given a criminal record for the sake of making business profits, unless their girlfriend or wife is beaten senseless and find the strenght to seek the help she needs. Then theres a increase of drink drivers on the road who all admit they drive better when they've had a good drink.

Drinking causes all sorts of anti-social behaviour yet the excuse is oh he or she has had a little too much to drink. But the whorst part of it all is the peron is then braned as a drunkard.

Yet Enterprise Inns, owning nearly 9,000 British pubs, said " the new licensing laws, which allow pubs to open later and stagger their closing times, have reduced binge drinking."

Friday 25 April 2008

Cannabis has so many benefits

There are alot of people who take drugs to forget about the bad old days view. Yet there are other who take it to create some good old days. Drugs harm drugs heal true or false?

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith smoked cannabis and once thought it was good but later promotes its bad watch yet others protest and carry out a Cannabis March, London, UK watch related video.

Cannabis has may benefits not just for getting high watch the history of how cannabis became illegal but remained so beneficial for making hemp clothes bags and Rope.

Monday 21 April 2008

Controversial comedian

Bernard Manning who died in June 2007 was branded "one of the most outrageous and successful comedians of our time" In 2002, he was banned from Dorset seaside town of Weymouth councillors were worried that his act would breach laws on race. He denied being racist and stated "I tell jokes. You never take a joke seriously." However in his own words on national tv Bernard admitts to Mrs Merton that he was a racist watch and the denies he is hypocritically. watch

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Why pierce?

I always wondered why people have piercings in such strange places. If you have any strange piercings please state where you had or have them and give reasons why. I have both of my ears pierced twice for fashion purposes. The reason why I done this was because my sister dared me to when I was in my teens.

I aslo plucked up the courage to have my belly button pierced not that I have a flat stomach, its really far from that. My reason for piercing it was not because of any social peer pressure, but because I wanted to set a challenge for myself. So that maybe one day I will eventually have that flat stomach that most girls would die for, to feel sexy I suppose. Belly button piercings - Sexy or Slutty? was a very interesting article to read as it gives different points of views about this style of piercings.

It is very important not to be pushed into anything you don't want to do. Some people may think its bad to pierce and that its not a good enough reason to do it, but its down to the individual how far they want to take it. I'm not sure if to say 'if its safe and not harming anyone why should it be classed as bad' because some people may be really offended by piercing for eg. employers but according to careerprospects "unusual hairstyles, tattoos and body-piercing don't matter as much as you might think when it comes to deciding who gets hired."

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Good guy v Bad guy?

Do you know any celebreties who were good but now gone bad and vice versa

According to the United Nations celebrities who take illegal drugs and don't seem to get into trouble for it are setting a bad example to you. Its annual report about drug use says, that while celebs get into trouble with police for taking drugs, they're not being punished seriously enough.

"Amy Winehouse and Kate Moss are glamorising cocaine use and fuelling problems in Africa, according to the UN's drug chief"newsnow.
Micheal Jackson

Britney Spears

Whitney Huston

Katie Price

Naomi Champbell

Amy Winehouse

Kate Moss

Monday 7 April 2008

Tattoo or Self-harm?

What possesses a person to get bad-tattoos? It's so painful and the long term reminder of something you no longer like any more returning to haunt you. We see advertisements that tattoo removal can get rid of these, but tattoo removal is no laughing matter. It can be painful and expensive to have a tattoo removed!
Laser tattoo removal can cost a fortune needing up to TEN sessions to have that really bad tattoo removed! And guess what else? There is no guarantee that laser tattoo removal will actually remove your bad tattoo - even if it is funny! It won't be when fifty years from now you will still have that girlfriends name on your chest, which your wife will NOT like. So a little advice i could give you, as i'm reminded everyday "think before you ink". I would like to ask is it a Tattoo or Self-harm ? I just can't work it out!

Monday 31 March 2008

Bad Cinema : Kids

Well after watching the film Kids it was very surprised what some teenagers get up to I never realized that teenagers were so Promiscuous . I thought it was really bad that children so young were behaving so badly and continuly getting away with it. I don't know who is to blame here:
  • The parents
  • The education system or
  • The children
Personally i think its all three i think its a lack of moral parenting skills to and from parents. Also the lack of education from schools which has helped contribute to making the children go so wild. After seeing so much violence watch think it would be fair to say not even animals behave so badly I agree that this film should be banned because it just gives kids a bad name and sets a bad example. What to dou think?

Thursday 27 March 2008

Barbie Bandits

Heather Johnston and Ashley Miller labelled "Barbie Bandits" after allegedly stealing nearly $11,000 from a Georgia Bank , the teens were caught two days after the bank robbery and were also caught on camera spending some of the money they allegedly stole at a high-end hair salon. (ABC News)

Above: the teens caught on surveillance footage

I wonder if these teens would have been treated any differently if they were a different sex, colour or race it seems as though these two have been presented as an oil painting for committing a serious crime. I get the opinion we ought to feel sorry for them because:

  • 19-year-old Heather Johnston of Atlanta would have just completed her first year in college
  • Instead, she is praying for a second chance and hoping she won't end up in prison.
  • "I went wild. I was on drugs most of the time. I didn't care what anyone had to say. I was going to do it my way."
  • Authorities believe the appetite for fast money and pricey goods led to a path of self-destruction causing pain for relatives

Sunday 23 March 2008

To Masturbate or not to Masturbate?

According to cool nurse

The advantages of masturbation

  • Stress relief

  • Relieve menstrual cramps

  • Help for insomnia (i.e. when a person is having trouble falling asleep)

  • Stimulate the immune system to help build up resistance to common infections.

  • Release mood elevating hormones

  • Reduce embarrassing spontaneous erections for teen males

  • Reduce the number of unwanted wet dreams for young men

  • Self-stimulation to cause sexual sensations

  • Private act.

  • Express and explore and release sexual tension

  • No risks of STDs

The disadvantages of maturbation

  • Viewed as manipulating his or her genitals

  • Feelings of guilt and or shame

  • Some adults were so against masturbation

  • Daughters were forced to wear gloves made of a steel-wool-like material (like Brillo pads)

  • Powder applied to genitals making them painful to touch

Masturbation Myths

"Masturbation isn't 'real sex' and only losers masturbate."

"If you masturbate you will go blind or bald or get acne or hair on your hands -- or lots of other anomalies"

“Can masturbation hurt me?”(See the Sex FAQ page for the answer)...

Thursday 6 March 2008

My comments to other blogs


In reply to the shoplifting blog

Teleka said...
I do not think shoplifting is 'serious' but I do think it is wrong. But it is serious when we compare it to mugging an old lady as she is very vulnerable and it damages her heath in some cases it leads to death (very serious). Retailers should have the necessary security in place in order to prevent this type of crime and work alongside the police. Retailers have CCTV for a reason the main purpose is to use it for evidence.Retailers can claim for compensation so yes I certainly agree we the public end up suffering for a crime we never committed by paying for it.
03 March 2008 09:39

"Smoking - Class Discussion"

Teleka said...
Well i am glad you quit smoking not only for your child but most importantly for yourself. I think its terrible when mothers smoke and contaminated the innocent unborn child and laugh without a care when you encourage them to stop. There are a vairety display of pictures which has cerainly put me off smoking i think i will show them to my family and friends it might do the trick to help them say no to their next drag.
23 March 2008 21:22


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Teleka said...
Well smoking i know is no way good for any of us but it keeps those closest to us happy. If i had a choice to offer them a cigarette or withdraw it i know what i would do :-). but on a serious note smoking gives you bad breath, makes your hair smell, yellow teeth, stained tabacco fingers, a dry cough which makes you cringe, withdrawral symptoms and a really bad attitude not to mention short life to passive smokers.
24 March 2008 15:04


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31 March 2008 14:47

Teleka said...
Well at one point in my life I would have totally agreed with you but unless we've been in the situation ourself its easier said then done. Our emotions change and our outlook on dealing with difficult situations isn't as easy as it look especially judging from an outside point of view. I used to say 'I would never cheat' but as an old myth says 'never say never'. Its not so easy to break away from a relationship especially when you love the person and you have invested so much time to make it work. Once i'd read the article in the Guardian extract handout looking at it from the husband's point of view it made alot more sense to me how complicated it can be especially when children are involved. You asked if Infidelity was a sin, in biblical terms and under religious circumstances yes I believe it is a sin but I also believe it is human nature because were born into a sinful world so were bound to be tempted.
31 March 2008 15:00


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Teleka said...
I don't particularly agree with the link on the signs of a cheating spouse, surly these are signs of insecurity more than cheating. My partner and I do the majority of these and as far as I know he is not cheating. Infidelity is not talking in online chat rooms or looking at porn. It is a more intimate and private matter where one or both spouses are cheating within physical proximity of eachother secretly. Flirting is fun and personally I think it is not a problem within online chat rooms its when people meet in real personal romes when it becomes a concern.
07 April 2008 17:53

"How many people will come to your funeral"

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Teleka said...
Well personally i think how many people come to your funeral is not based on how good or how bad you've been. Its for those who remember you for what you have done and want to say a final good bye. Some hope we go to heaven and others spend it wondering if the person has gone to hell. But whats the difference and if there is no heaven and no hell then we all must remain ghosts. Well i don't know, but to me i think all who remember me will come to my funeral and those who don't know me will just come for the food. But who cares how many people will come to your funeral i think people only remember you when your dead so i may end up getting more visits when i'm having my funeral.haha
09 April 2008 22:40

"Being Too Religous"

Teleka said...
I think the prayer was out of the ordinary and was neither good or bad. It felt really weird having a prayer at the beginning but i just went along with it. But then i became confused when he asked us our opinion of it as i was taking it seriously so i felt well out of context. It really did touch a few spots with everyone and opened up alot of arguments about religion. I don't think the lecture hall was the right place because i think it was more about scutinizing religion rather than accepting everyones choice of opinion. I also think it was very disrespectful to Jehover Whitness's regarding it as a cult and baseing the arguments around them. I don't think anyone has the right to call any religon a cult people should be left to decide for themselves.
27 April 2008 09:18

"Plastic Surgery (Body Modification)"

Teleka said...
fWell t think this woman looks like a cartoon character and even they look better. I think alot of this plastic surgery has been set up by a marketin system of celebreties and is just gone out of hand. what happened to the good old days where women did everything in their power to stay natural. Ever since modern technology has come into place evrything has got out of hand. Instead of looking pretty these people are looking more like 'loony toons'.
27 April 2008 17:30


Teleka said...
Well the suggestion that swearing, shouting and all that dirty, bad-mannered gestures, words and behaviours are degrading our society so should be criminalised and evapourated from all public places and our vocabulary is certainly out of touch with reality. Whoever came up with that idea well is certainly playing god. If god couldn't stop us from sinning, who the hell is going to stop us from swearing if you see my point. Yes we know its bad but in what context people say bad things everyday but they don't always mean what they say literally. So If anything we should have a dictionary for slang or broken english. My point is different upbringings create different ideologies so how one person interprets offencive language is based on the life style he lives. If your well to do and never hear inproper words and live in say Cambridge then deciding to move to 'ghetto' an inner city area is really not a good idea unless your bankrupt. In this case the person would definely would have to change his whole perception and outlook on what words he will decide to use in order to survive.
30 April 2008 18:56


Teleka said...
Well lets hope anyone who does try drugs is seriously put off by the experience and never dares to try it again. I agree that drugs turn your life upside down but it may not even be the drug that started it in the first place. It just takes one thing to trigger it off some examples could be an affair, loss of finances, increase of extreme wealth, boredom, depression, victims of abuse, social environment or some type of insecurities. The need for a quick fix to a better peace of mind and a way out seems to be the anwer for taking drugs. Its a shame because it just may have been offered to the person at that particular time, then its achance of you either like it or hate a bit like marmite.
06 May 2008 22:26


Teleka said...
Well my argument is we all have a right to life under Article 2 of the European Convention on human rights so smoking just like drugs should be banned altogether. If i'm going to sue i should be able to sue while i'm alive just as nusarat said instead of holding our breath for a few seconds and then gasping for some air later as someone out there is selfish enough to just think of them self"

Tuesday 4 March 2008

Who said you have to be poor to shoplift

When you think of someone stealing you either picture some one who is classed as poor, a drug addict, a rebelious teenager or some homeless person in desperate need. How often do we ever think of a wealthy person stealing. Well my stereotypical point of view was they would never, they have no need to. However according to timesonline:

"shoplifting is the new middle-class disease"

Zorislav Srebic (picturesd on the right) head of the Croatian Football Federation was arrested for shoplifting in a W H Smith at Gatwick airport, and released without charge. Now can anyone think why such a person would participate in such an act and get away with it.

Monday 3 March 2008

Can you spot an affair or trust?

This is not to say your partner is having and affair. But what do you think the signs would be if your partner was having an affair. I was once told by an elderly Irish man "Relationships are not like the old days, their not built on trust". Whats the difference between now and then i thought, then i heard him say. "This generation are bound by mobile phones, in the olden days there was no such thing as mobile phones, you had to build your relationship on trust. There were no mobile phones back then, for anyone to be checking up on you. You had to build you relationship on trust and believe your partner was coming back to you". Now we are living in a era where information technology is moving so quickly would you prefer to spot an affair or trust and why? watch

Here are some signs and pattern signs of infidelity.

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Passive smoking Kills

Would you be surprised that 900 office workers, 165 bar workers and 145 manufacturing workers die each year as a direct result of breathing in other people's tobacco smoke at work. Research also shows that there are three times as many deaths a year from passive smoking at work as there are from workplace injuries. watch

If your a non smoker be prepared to sue for damages as Lawyers will warn that employers could face lawsuits if they fail to protect staff from passive smoke. This makes it clear how existing health and safety law applies to passive smoking, effectively banning smoking from the vast majority of workplaces.

every time you smoke a cigarette just remember this "Passive smoking at work kills three people every day, according to research".

Thursday 21 February 2008

A bad place to visit

A suitable bad place to visit is Guantanamo Bay.

Guantanamo Bay is a bad place to visit because the Americans are taking suspected terrorists for interrogation there. This is in violation of the European Convention of Human Rights. Innocent victims are being detained against their will. They are taken here because it is easier for them to be interrogated without intervention from the law. watch